What Are The Uses And Functions Of Cable Caddy

By Krystal Branch

Installing electrical wires and cables could certainly be challenging and sometimes even frustrating. However, there is a simple yet effective solution that drastically helps make the job easier. This is the cable caddy which makes handling and dispensing wires a whole lot easier and manageable.

Everyone who has been into the job of installing wires has been through the frustration of knotted and tangled wires. On top of that, there is the challenge of loading and unloading the wires. But that would be a thing of the past. This piece of equipment is designed to make is easier to transport and to systematically organize wires which therefore gets rid of the hassle of loading and unloading spools of wires.

Several variants are available in the market. Designed to meet specific needs and requirements, they come in different designs and sizes. The best variant depends of the type of installation job you are trying to work on. Also, one thing to be considered is the size of the spool of wire.

For outdoor electricians installing large wires outside the premises, large variants are the best options. These variants are designed to carry large spools of wires. These equipments typically carries spools with a height of 15 to 17 inches and a diameter of around eighteen to twenty inches.

The said variants are usually made of metal or steel for exceptional strength that lets it handle heavy spools. The body is usually treated with protective coating to prevent rust and corrosion when used outside which exposes it to water and other substances. These types of equipments are usually made of hollow bars that makes it sturdy yet light weight to make it easy to carry. Since it is oftentimes laid by the roadside, they usually come with light and easily visible colors.

By design, large variants are usually horizontally oriented. This makes the setup of these equipments simple and easy. It usually features a design that can be folded easily so once the installation job is completed, it is easier to carry it back to the truck. The equipment also uses lesser space for added convenience in organizing these equipments with along with other tools.

On the other hand, smaller variants are available and are meant for indoor use. It can hold smaller spools of wires used for indoor wiring. The design also allows easy carrying and oftentimes allows vertical or horizontal orientation whichever makes wire installation easier.

As for the material, smaller variants are not necessarily made of steel. These are usually made of light materials or are covered with protective coating that ensures that walls and paints does not get scratched which being moved around. Because of smaller size and relatively lighter load, these variant oftentimes comes with only one handle that is ergonomically designed for easy lifting.

With the aid of a caddy, the job of installing wires has just become easier and lesser of a mess. Hence, it is now a must have if one wants to have the job finished without the hassle of tangled and knotted wires. This gets to show how a simple solution could assist in maximizing efficiency on the job.

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